Friday, January 27, 2012

Something Pretty.

I will be the first to say it. I hate wall paper. I think it is the most over-used, over-hyped, played out way to "personalize" your space. I think it has been used by hack decorators to disguise an ugly wall behind an ugly pattern. I think people see a pattern and don't know when to stop.

I think it comes from having my room wallpapered with a hideous train motif from when I was about 7 till I moved into the basement.

Not my wall paper

It wasn't this exactly, but it was pretty bad. Looking back, I know now it wasn't the wallpaper as much as it was all the other factors coming together to make for an uncomfortable living space. The carpet vs the wall colour vs the shape of the room and the wall that was chosen to be papered... Well, the results were not good.

That being said. I got an email this morning from Fromental. They produce some of the most exquisite handmade wall coverings I have ever seen. I would love to have something like this in a space I designed.

A simple square armed sofa with the striking background of the blossoming cherry tree. The rich background of the accent wall makes me want to curl up in that green chair next to the radiator and read a book while I waited for the real blossoms to poke their heads out.
If sombre and subtle are not your thing, they can go a bit further too.
The bright pink and vibrant blue on this stairwell with the shiny copper Tom Dixon pendants make for a very playful room without it turning into a playroom. Imagine, something that is grown up and still fun. Having a grown up house doesn't mean your place has to look like your grandmother's just like putting wallpaper on your wall does not mean your room feels like the 70's vomited on your walls. 

Remember to always cross line and use restraint when using pattern. Unless you are Vivian Westwood.

Monday, January 9, 2012

First Post.

Hello All,
And by 'All' I mean 'No One Yet' as I have no followers at this point. But I remain optimistic.

This new blog is all about sharing the wonderful design related items I find with anyone that might be interested. The posts will most likely be much shorter than the rants and diatribes that I spout over on Tea and Whiskey and much more focused.

So without further preamble, I was sent a lovely image today and thought it would be great to share it with you all. If you were looking for some art for your house, or if you were a designer looking to accessorize a client's home you could do worse than looking up Sarah Sherwood. 

Pretty sure this is London.

I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, "Pretty!" and I think you might be right. Unless this is Barcelona... No. They only have a knock-off Gherkin, this is definitely London. If you look close you can see me in the painting. I was coming out the the Fox and Anchor over by St. Paul's. 
Anyway, welcome to the new blog. 
Have fun and don't settle for bad design.